maugham william somerset ashenden or the british agent

Maugham William Somerset Ashenden or The British Agent

Maugham William Somerset Ashenden or The British Agent


Сомерсет Моэм как-то сказал, что жизнь шпиона совершенно не похожа на то, как ее обычно изображают. Свои впечатления от службы в Ми-5 писатель изложил в своем сборнике новелл Эшенден, или Британский агент (1928), который представляет собой цепочку эпизодов, в основном, собственной карьеры Моэма, изложенных в хронологической последовательности. Мастерски разработанная интрига, великолепный стиль и продуманная композиция произведений доставили автору славу "английского Мопассана". Издание на английском языке.

316 Руб.

Maugham William Somerset Ashenden

Maugham William Somerset Ashenden


Maugham's set of stories about his wartime spy John Ashenden, who prefigured James Bond with his exploits with exotic enemies and exotic women When war broke out in 1914, Somerset Maugham was dispatched by the British Secret Service to Switzerland under the guise of completing a play. Multilingual, knowledgeable about many European countries and a celebrated writer, Maugham had the perfect cover, and the assignment appealed to his love of romance, and of the ridiculous. The stories collected in Ashenden are rooted in Maugham's own experiences as an agent, reflecting the ruthlessness and brutality of espionage, its intrigue and treachery, as well as its absurdity.

3288 Руб.

Maugham William Somerset Collected Stories

Maugham William Somerset Collected Stories


Though W. Somerset Maugham was also famous for his novels and plays, it has been argued that in thethe short story he reached the pinnacle of his artwas his true mйtier. These expertly told tales, with their addictive plot twists and vividly drawn characters, are both galvanizing as literature and wonderfully entertaining. In the adventures of his alter ego Ashenden, a writer who (like Maugham himself) turned secret agent in World War I, as well as in stories set in such far-flung locales as South Pacific islands and colonial outposts in Southeast Asia, Maugham brings his characters vividly to life, and their humanity is more convincing for the author's merciless exposure of their flaws and failures. Whether the chasms of misunderstanding he plumbs are those between colonizers and natives, between a missionary and a prostitute, or between a poetry-writing woman and her uncomprehending husband, Maugham brilliantly displays his irony, his wit, and his genius in the art of storytelling.

6019 Руб.

Maugham W. Collected Short Stories: Volume 3

Maugham W. Collected Short Stories: Volume 3


The third volume of Somerset Maugham's Collected Short Stories, introduced by the author, contains the celebrated series about Ashenden, a secret service agent in World War I. Based on Maugham's own experiences with the British Intelligence service in Switzerland, the stories are vignettes in which he dramatises both the romance and absurdity of espionage as well as its ruthlessness and brutality. Accountable only to 'R', Ashenden travels all over the Continent on assignments which entangle him with such characters as the traitor Grantley Caypor, the passionate Guilia Lazzari, and the sinister 'hairless Mexican'.

1117 Руб.

Maugham W. Collected Short Stories: Volume 3

Maugham W. Collected Short Stories: Volume 3


The third volume of Somerset Maugham's Collected Short Stories, introduced by the author, contains the celebrated series about Ashenden, a secret service agent in World War I. Based on Maugham's own experiences with the British Intelligence service in Switzerland, the stories are vignettes in which he dramatises both the romance and absurdity of espionage as well as its ruthlessness and brutality. Accountable only to 'R', Ashenden travels all over the Continent on assignments which entangle him with such characters as the traitor Grantley Caypor, the passionate Guilia Lazzari, and the sinister 'hairless Mexican'.

1117 Руб.

Maugham William Somerset Collected Short Stories. Volume 3

Maugham William Somerset Collected Short Stories. Volume 3


The third collection of Maugham's famous short stories. The third volume of Somerset Maugham's Collected Short Stories, introduced by the author, contains the celebrated series about Ashenden, a secret service agent in World War I. Based on Maugham's own experiences with the British Intelligence service in Switzerland, the stories are vignettes in which he dramatises both the romance and absurdity of espionage as well as its ruthlessness and brutality. Accountable only to 'R', Ashenden travels all over the Continent on assignments which entangle him with such characters as the traitor Grantley Caypor, the passionate Guilia Lazzari, and the sinister 'hairless Mexican'.

3571 Руб.

Maugham W. Ashenden

Maugham W. Ashenden


Fact is a poor story-teller as Maugham reminds us. Fact starts a story at random, rambles on inconsequently and tails off , leaving loose ends, without a conclusion. It works up to an interesting situation, has no sense of climax and whittles away its dramatic effects in irrelevance. While some novelists believe this is a proper model for fiction, Maugham believes that fiction should not seek to copy life, but instead choose from life what is curious, telling, and dramatic, but keep to it closely enough not to shock the reader into disbelief. In short, fiction should excite, interest, and absorb the reader. . .Ashenden: The British Agent is founded on Maugham's experiences in the English Intelligence Department during World War I, but rearranged for the purposes of fiction. This fascinating book contains the most expert stories of espionage ever written. For a period of time after it was first published the book became official required reading for persons entering the secret service. . .The plot follows the imaginary John Ashenden who during World War I is a spy for British Intelligence. He is sent first to Geneva and later to Russia. Instead of one story from start to finish, the chapters contain individual stories involving many different characters. All of the people whom Ashenden meet during his travels have their own reason for being involved in the spy game, and each are more complex than they first look.

1369 Руб.

Maugham W. Ashenden

Maugham W. Ashenden


Fact is a poor story-teller as Maugham reminds us. Fact starts a story at random, rambles on inconsequently and tails off , leaving loose ends, without a conclusion. It works up to an interesting situation, has no sense of climax and whittles away its dramatic effects in irrelevance. While some novelists believe this is a proper model for fiction, Maugham believes that fiction should not seek to copy life, but instead choose from life what is curious, telling, and dramatic, but keep to it closely enough not to shock the reader into disbelief. In short, fiction should excite, interest, and absorb the reader. . .Ashenden: The British Agent is founded on Maugham's experiences in the English Intelligence Department during World War I, but rearranged for the purposes of fiction. This fascinating book contains the most expert stories of espionage ever written. For a period of time after it was first published the book became official required reading for persons entering the secret service. . .The plot follows the imaginary John Ashenden who during World War I is a spy for British Intelligence. He is sent first to Geneva and later to Russia. Instead of one story from start to finish, the chapters contain individual stories involving many different characters. All of the people whom Ashenden meet during his travels have their own reason for being involved in the spy game, and each are more complex than they first look.

1369 Руб.

Maugham William Somerset The Magician

Maugham William Somerset The Magician


Set in the bohemian cafe society of Paris at the turn of the nineteenth century, Maugham's exploration of hypnotism and the occult was inspired by the sinister black magician Aleister Crowley. At the start of this compulsive gothic horror story, Arthur and his beautiful, innocent fiancee Margaret look forward to an idyllic life together, until they encounter the mesmerising and repulsive Oliver Haddo... Издание полностью на английском языке.

2108 Руб.

Maugham William Somerset The Magician

Maugham William Somerset The Magician


Книга для чтения на английском языке. Уильям Сомерсет Моэм - один из выдающихся английских писателей начала XX века, подаривший миру множество пьес, эссе и романов. Роман "Маг" - самое таинственное произведение автора. Захватывающий сюжет о любви, преданности, дружбе, предательстве, колдовстве, алхимии, мистике, в сочетании с красивым и одновременно легким языком Моэма делает роман интересным и увлекательным для широкого круга читателей, изучающих английский язык и совершенствующихся в нем. В книге представлен неадаптированный текст романа, снабженный комментариями и словарем.

460 Руб.

Maugham William Somerset The letter. Stories

Maugham William Somerset The letter. Stories


Выдающийся мастер английской прозы XX века Уильям Сомерсет Моэм, автор знаменитых романов "Театр", "Луна и грош", "Бремя страстей человеческих", написал около сотни коротких рассказов. Философское осмысление жизни, нетрадиционный взгляд на события и поступки людей, тонкие психологические характеристики героев делают рассказы Моэма интересными современному читателю. Предлагаем вниманию читателей неадаптированный текст рассказов на языке оригинала, снабженный комментариями и словарем.

315 Руб.

Maugham William Somerset The Happy Man

Maugham William Somerset The Happy Man


Уильям Сомерсет Моэм - один из выдающихся английских писателей начала XX века, подаривший миру множество романов, пьес, рассказов. В сборнике представлены известные рассказы писателя. Занимательный сюжет, неожиданная и неоднозначная развязка, простой и в то же время изящный язык, легкая ирония делают каждый рассказ уникальным и запоминающимся. В рассказах сквозит интерес автора к исследованию человеческой натуры, тайных страстей, слабостей и скрытых возможностей обычных людей. Делясь своими наблюдениями и размышлениями на тему выбора судьбы и поиска смысла жизни, Моэм не дает однозначных ответов, заставляя читателя задуматься. В книге представлен неадаптированный текст на языке оригинала, снабженный комментариями и словарем.

391 Руб.

Maugham William Somerset The Narrow Corner

Maugham William Somerset The Narrow Corner


Уильям Сомерсет Моэм - известный английский писатель, врач по образованию. В годы Первой мировой войны служил в разведке. "Тесный угол" (1932) - повествование о южных морях, полное драматических событий - любовные истории и разнообразные преступления, разворачивающиеся на фоне потрясающей природы южных островов. В книге представлен неадаптированный текст на языке оригинала.

364 Руб.

Maugham William Somerset The Painted Veil

Maugham William Somerset The Painted Veil


Книга для чтения на английском языке. Уильям Сомерсет Моэм (1874-1965) известный английский писатель, врач по образованию. Основные события романа "Узорный покров" (1925) развиваются в китайском городе, куда бороться с эпидемией холеры приезжает бактериолог со своей женой Китти. Любовь героини к помощнику губернатора Гонконга словно наваждение, но после него грядет отрезвление... В книге представлен неадаптированный текст на языке оригинала.

456 Руб.

Maugham William Somerset The Razor's edge

Maugham William Somerset The Razor's edge


Уильям Сомерсет Моэм - один из выдающихся английских писателей начала ХХ века, подаривший миру множество романов, пьес, рассказов. "Острие бритвы" - один из самых интересных романов писателя, в котором он описывает эпоху между двумя мировыми войнами, давая яркую характеристику разным слоям европейского и североамериканского общества. В книге представлен неадаптированный текст романа на языке оригинала, снабженный комментариями и словарем Комментарии и словарь: Тигонен Е. Г.

415 Руб.

Maugham William Somerset The Happy Man

Maugham William Somerset The Happy Man


В сборнике представлены известные рассказы писателя. Занимательный сюжет, неожиданная и неоднозначная развязка, простой и в то же время изящный язык, легкая ирония делают каждый рассказ уникальными и запоминающимся. В рассказах сквозит интерес автора к исследованию человеческой натуры, тайных страстей, слабостей и скрытых возможностей обычных людей.

295 Руб.

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